I never did, obviously, since you haven't seen or heard more than a Facebook or Instagram post from me since June.
I started out thinking I'd talk about all of the fun stuff we did all summer. Then I realized I've been posting all of that on social media anyway. Beach, road trip, family visits, cookouts...all wonderful but no surprises there!
Then, I started thinking about what I didn't do this summer. I find that I've enjoyed the absence of so many things just as much as I did all of the presence of others. It was the NOT doing that left me open to truly enjoying my summer the way I'd always wanted. Of course I have some mom guilt over a few boring (according to my seven year old) days, but I'm over that...for the most part.
Anyway, let's talk about what I didn't do, stopped doing, refused to do, or just gave up on since June.
I didn't script out every day of my daughter's summer vacation.
No back to back weeks of camp, no crazy scheduled play-dates, no going to every event on island so we didn't feel left out and she could see her friends every single day. Nope, I didn't do it. She went to vacation bible school. We went on bike rides. We went to our friend's pool and to the beach on Saturday's. We hung out in the back yard. We played with the dog. We made our own fairy garden.
We took naps or had quiet time every single day.
I stopped wearing makeup every day.
This was pretty big for me. I'd worn make up every single day since I was 14, no matter what. I was used to getting up and getting ready for work every day and was surprised at how easily I just stopped. Maybe a little mascara, maybe some concealer. That's it. I've loved it!I've blow dried my hair ONCE since June. One time! and that was kind of a half-assed attempt, if I'm being honest. Have you seen this mane?! It's too hot and humid for all of that. I may never go back!
I stopped judging myself for not being like other moms. I stopped allowing the preconceived notions my OWN insecurities have created to be in the forefront of my mind. It's so easy to get caught up in the keeping up. I hate the idea of my kid being left out, but what I hate even more is realizing I don't ever see my kid because she's always at an activity or an event. I'm not judging anyone else's parenting by making that statement; I'm speaking strictly for myself. I love for Sweet S to get invited to play-dates and parties, and it breaks my heart to realize that maybe she's excluded because of me and MY lack of participation, but I've stopped letting that fear and insecurity drive me. It's not fair to her and it's not fair to me. I can only be the kind of mom that's authentic to me and I've stopped beating myself up over it (mostly).
I did away with 'school time' every day. I used to be much more structured. Instead, we did binder work a couple of times a week, usually during quiet time. Sweet S did lots of math and reading practice but when she was tired, or asked if she could stop, I let her. We read other books with her, too, but I didn't worry too much about how much she was doing. She loves science so we grew some crystals in our kitchen.

The most important thing I didn't do?
I never once woke up and wished I was somewhere else, getting ready to do something else, or wishing I had somewhere else to be. I did not think about going back to work. I had no anxiety whatsoever about staying home. I never once felt like I needed to be somewhere else. I never questioned my decision to stay home and be with my girls every single day. I didn't question that I was right where I needed to be, ever.