Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Gift.

My southern blood is just a little too thin for New England "spring," which is insanely unpredictable. We are enjoying a beach day one day and pulling out the jackets the next. 

Nantucket is a moody Gray Lady.

Today, though. TODAY was a gift! 
Bright, humid, sunny. All of my favorite things. 

It seems that every time I've just about had IT with this island and her crazy, moody weather she throws me a smile in the form of a day like today.

We're perfect for each other, really.

Sweet S and I rushed to daycare to pick up Little P right at 3:00. We were home, in shorts, and playing in the backyard by 3:15. 

Little P spent the better part of an hour squealing "weeee!" in her swing as Sweet S and I took turns pushing her and playing with the dog.

S worked on her fairy house and pretended she was a fairy herself, sitting high in our cherry blossom tree.
She loves the trees.

The girls played together while I threw the ball for Jim. It was such a glorious afternoon! The only thing missing was Preston, who has a big inspection going on at work and has had a lot going on this week. 

It was just one of those days that I could not waste with dishes, laundry, or cooking. 

Today was a gift and spending it with my girls was the only thing that made sense.

Oh, and we may or may not have decided that grabbing some spoons and a brand new carton of ice cream was a much better idea than dinner.

We did. We totally did! 

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